Modernizing Corel Machinery’s Lead Management and Website Platform

Corel Machinery Nashik Yash Khatri

Project Overview

Corel Machinery, a large used machinery dealer based in Nashik, faced challenges with outdated technology, a slow website, and fragmented lead management. The consultant was brought on board to develop a modern, streamlined platform that centralized lead collection and improved website performance.

As a result, the company saw increased customer engagement and operational efficiency, with both the client and their customers expressing satisfaction.

Client Background

Corel Machinery is a large, well-established used machine dealership located in Nashik, India. Despite its size, the business is run by a very small team, which makes it essential for the company to operate as efficiently as possible. However, outdated technology made this difficult.


Corel Machinery faced several critical issues:

  • The company did not have a unified platform for collecting and managing leads or inquiries, forcing them to juggle multiple platforms and CRM panels.
  • Their existing website was slow and outdated, negatively impacting user experience and customer engagement.
  • The business was using old technology, which created inefficiencies and increased manual work for the small team.

Consultant’s Approach:

The consultant tackled these problems by implementing cutting-edge technology solutions.

Key actions included:

Development of a Modern Platform

The consultant and his team of developers developed a new, state-of-the-art platform to centralize all leads and inquiries into a single management panel. This allowed Corel Machinery to streamline their lead management process, saving time and reducing manual effort.

Website Overhaul

The consultant, with his outsourced team of developers, rebuilt the company’s website using modern web technologies, significantly improving its speed and overall performance. The faster site not only enhanced the user experience but also led to increased customer engagement, as visitors could quickly browse products and submit inquiries.

The consultant also acted as the project manager for this engagement.

Improve Operational Efficiency

By centralizing lead management and upgrading the website, the consultant greatly reduced the amount of manual work the Corel Machinery team had to do. The small team could now focus on more strategic tasks rather than managing multiple platforms.

Corel Machine Nashik


The project was highly successful, meeting all of Corel Machinery’s objectives within the set budget. The outcomes included:

  • A centralized lead management system, making it easier for the small team to handle inquiries and sales leads efficiently.
  • A faster, more engaging website, leading to improved customer experience and higher engagement.
  • The reduction of manual work for the Corel Machinery team, allowing them to focus on growth-oriented tasks.

Both the client and their customers expressed satisfaction with the improvements, smoother operations, and better customer interactions.


By modernizing Corel Machinery’s lead management and website platform, the consultant helped the business operate more efficiently and engage its customers more effectively. The success of the project highlights the value of cutting-edge technology in streamlining operations and improving customer satisfaction while staying within budget.

Picture of Yash A Khatri, CSM®, MBA

Yash A Khatri, CSM®, MBA

Passionate Problem Solver. I Get Things Done using agile processes, dynamic systems, and action assiting business solve complex business problems and achieve success.